Wednesday, November 9, 2011


So I've been trying to decide what I want my first blog post to be about. I finally decided to write about my latest obsession - PINTEREST. Now, I will be the first to say that it does not take much for me to get horribly addicted to something. Not like cocaine, or anything like that...but like...mind-numbing, time-wasting things. Remember when Myspace was cool? I was hooked. I thought it was the most amazing thing in the world! Then, one sunny old college friend, Kacee, introduced me to a little thing I'd like to call Facebook. Needless to say, the minute I filled out the registration information on that slate blue web-site...I was addicted. Having an avenue to keep in touch with old friends I hadn't seen since my glorious days at good ole' Spiro High, along with all the ones I've made along the was WONDERFUL!!! My favorite thing about the old Facebook was getting to update my status with whatever random-ness I could think of. So, a few months ago, Facebook changed their formatting...AGAIN. It's new home page now has a creepy feed that gives you constant updates of all of your friends. Through this, I kept seeing people talk something called Pinterest. I was intrigued. I found out that it had fun recipes, and craft ideas. As you can imagine...I NEEDED to find out more...ASAP!!! I soon figured out that it was a popular iPhone app, which broke my heart. I searched far and wide to see if there could have been an Android app, since this is the phone I have. Sadly, no such thing existed. One day, I saw a picture on a Facebook friend's feed of some yummy dessert they had made from a recipe they found on Pinterest. I decided to investigate when a possible Android app would become available. It was then that I stumbled upon the actual Pinterest web-site ((Sound the Hallelujah chorus)). Now, I can honestly say my life is that much more technologically complete. My dear friends and co-workers (KaCee and Donna) and myself have attempted several of the recipes already. Let me just be honest and say some of them were DELIGHTFUL. HOWEVER...there were a select few that were EPIC FAILS. One recipe in particular was for these little ditties called Resurrection Rolls. Basically, it was marshmallows dipped in butter, rolled in cinnamon and sugar, and wrapped in a crescent roll. Now, keep in mind that when I finally printed the recipe for them, it came complete with a Bible story of the resurrection of Jesus. Now, please do not get me wrong when I say what I am about to say...but...REALLY??? As we made these bite-size desserts, we laughed, and laughed...and laughed some more. It was just comical. I love Jesus. I really do. But comparing Jesus to marshmallows?? That was just a bit much. So, we followed the direction to a T. We ended up with 32 of those bad boys. How did they turn out? AWFUL. Here is what they were SUPPOSED to look like:
Cute, right??? WRONG!!! This picture looks like they are tiny and precious. Lies. COMPLETE lies. This is how they ACTUALLY turned out:

They were MASSIVE!!! And awful. They burned on the bottom because all of the buttery-sugary goodness rolled OFF of the marshmallow, and stuck to the bottom. PLUS...the crescent rolls didn't catch ANY of the taste. They were SUPER bland. And hard. It was TERRIBLE. After we picked the marshmallow out a few of them...we realized we couldn't make ourselves like them...and tossed them.

Like I said earlier...not ALL recipes turned out like those sweet Resurrection Rolls. I got this recipe for this amazing iced drink called Frozen Hot Chocolate. For me to find the perfect words to describe it would be nearly impossible. Let's just say it was like a tiny, chocolaty miracle in a mug. Here is how it turned out for us:

Looks amazing doesn't it? It tasted even BETTER than it looks!!! Anyhow...there it is. I find myself scouring Pinterest high and low for more and more recipes to try. And on top of that, I find myself looking for fun projects to do. I have never had a NEED to be so creative in my life...until Pinterest.

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of being introduced to all that is Pinterest...I suggest you stop what you are doing RIGHT NOW...and join this ever-addicting bandwagon. Trust'll waste so much time...and LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!

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